When your body is under environmental stress, your adrenal glands produce a hormone called Cortisol in response to the physical or environmental stress. 

High cortisol levels in your body leave you feeling irritated, may cause emotional reactions and lead to a decline in your health and energy. High cortisol also interferes with your body's ability to produce other hormones, such as estrogen and progesteron, testosterone, as well as endorphins which are your "feel good", relaxing hormones. When your body is too exhausted from trying to deal with stress, it will then give up and NOT produce enough Cortisol. This leads to exhaustion, chronic fatigue etc.

Environmental stress also affects your body's production of Insulin, which affects its ability to deal with sugar and carbohydrates and leads to low energy or diabetes. 

Natural products may assist in stabilizing your body's production of Cortisol AND Insulin so that your body can function properly and feel good again. This then can promote the production and release of endorphins, which makes you feel good. This is done completely naturally using herbal products - NOT drugs! As a matter of fact, many successes exist of people getting off of anti-depressant drugs after taking natural products  (anti-depressants and other medications actually RAISE cortisol levels).

The ideal is that your body naturally produces the RIGHT amounts of Cortisol and Insulin to deal with stresses in your life, and blocks the EXCESS or UNDER production of these hormones which negatively affect your health.

Cortisol is also known as the "death hormone". It prepares our body to die. While cortisol increases with age, growth hormones decrease, which causes us to age. Increased levels of cortisol are caused by stress, environmental pollutants, and lifestyle.



 © 2006 Naturally Yours.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of your health care provider.  The product statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.