
If you are unsure of where to start or what is the best thing to do to improve YOUR health or that of someone you love (or your family pet, horse or other animal), I can provide a personalized consultation including hair and saliva testing and work out a program specific to your current health concerns.

Please fill in the information form below as completely as possible and provide full details.  (If doing this for someone else, please have them provide the information personally.  If doing this for a pet, answer to the best of your knowledge and adapt the questions to suit an animal instead of a person)

Then by mail, provide either of the following:

a) cut off few pieces of your hair and place it in a small envelope, then lick and seal the small envelope with plenty of saliva. Place the small envelope with the hair and saliva sample in a larger envelope.

b) or send a photograph of the person or animal with their name marked. 

Send either of the above along with a cheque/MO for $60 Cdn/$55 USD by mail to me at: Naturally Yours, Box 526, Lorette, MB Canada R0A 0Y0.  If you prefer to pay by credit card, please note that and I will call you for your credit card information (Visa, Mastercard or Amex accepted).

Once I receive the envelope and review your information, I will phone you to discuss your health concerns, get any other information I require and then will work out your personalized program. 


Full Address:

Phone Number:  Email : 

This consultation is for:  Myself Another person An Animal

Information about your Health Condition:

What are your physical and emotional concerns?

What drugs and/or supplements are you currently taking?

Any previous surgeries? 

Any other information you would like to tell me?

 © 2006 Naturally Yours.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of your health care provider.  The product statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.